Matisse - Artists who inspire - Art Lesson
I recently had an opportunity to teach an art lesson to a fabulous group of Grade 6 students. I thought it would be a great opportunity to explore some Henri Matisse.
6 fun facts to know about Henri Matisse
He was born in the countryside of Northern France.
He did not discover his passion for art until he was 19 years old
He was good friends with Pablo Picasso.
He developed his own distinctive style.
After abdominal surgery for cancer he was unable to paint. He began making his famous paper cut outs which he described as drawing with scissors.
During his first exhibition with Andre Derain they were nicknamed the " the wild beasts" because their art work was considered "barbaric"
As I am in love with colour and shape I decided to explore the later artworks of Matisse. I set the task for children to explore colour and shape with their scissors.
Materials needed:
Black card
Coloured sheets of paper
Glue (pva) Glue sticks did not work so well....
Artwork by Joshua
For children to create a "Matisse like collage."
I told children they had to consider 5 elements when cutting and composing their composition. In each art work I wanted to see a :
Geometric shape
An organic shape
A negative shape
A positive shape
And a repeating shape.
These were some of the pleasing results.
Artwork by Amy
Artwork by Jonathon
Happy creating!!